Be Well Series of the YMCA
Join Christina Higgens on October 22 at 12 pm PDT, for "Hypnosis, Accessing the Power of the Subconscious Mind" a segment presented by the "Be Well" YMCA series. Tune in to hear more about it and even get a taste of an actual hypnosis experience during the program!...
Hypnotherapy Workshop for Subconscious Empowerment!
Switch On with Subconscious Empowerment & Self-Worth Enhancement! Let your Subconscious Mind Empower you in this in this truly unique experience with Renowned Teacher & Master NLP Practitioner and Hypnotherapist, Patrick Singleton,...
Lose Weight Through Hypnotherapy
Healthy New Year’s Resolution? Weight Management Classes Now Forming in Your Area! Hypnotherapy Is THE Missing Component for Permanent Weight Management!! Compare to Jenny Craig; Medi-Fast; Weight Watchers; Nuti-System and others Obtain Your Ideal Body...
Hypnosis & the Power of the Subconscious Mind @ Youtopia!
Come learn about the natural altered state of hypnosis which allows us to access the powerful subconscious mind for tools needed to reach your goals, amend limiting beliefs, instill positive ones & heal naturally! In this playshop you will learn how hypnosis works...
Hypnosis & the Power of the Subconscious Mind @ Youtopia!
Come learn about the natural altered state of hypnosis which allows us to access the powerful subconscious mind for tools needed to reach your goals, amend limiting beliefs, instill positive ones & heal naturally! In this playshop you will learn how hypnosis works...
San Diego Clinical Hypnotherapy presents at San Diego Burners in Business!
San Diego Clinical Hypnotherapy presents "Hypnosis and the Power of the Subconscious Mind" at the Burners in Business Networking monthly meeting! Come learn about the natural altered state of hypnosis which allows us to access the powerful subconscious mind for tools...
Maintenance Issues 5/23/2014
We are having a small issue getting emails through to the right inbox! Feel free to either email directly at: sdclinicalhypnotherapy@Gmail.com Or contact help desk at: ryan@thegrav.com to report any issues. We should have the email function up and running...
SD Clinical Hypnotherapy presents at Leyenda
Friday April 4, 12:00pm Hypnosis and the Power of the Subconscious Mind Christina Higgens, CMS-CHT, NLPP Come learn about the natural altered state of hypnosis which allows us to access the powerful subconscious mind for tools needed to reach your goals, amend...
Creative NLP Solutions™ Practitioner Certification Training
Creative NLP Solutions Presents a 10 day NLP Practitioner Certification Training in San Diego in April 2014 in which Christina Higgens, CMS-CHt, NLPP from San Diego Clinical Hypnotherapy will be present and assisting. Our 10 day Practitioner Training is the place you...
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